首页> 中文期刊> 《吉林中医药》 >诸火郁阻,肤灼窍热,皆属于脾:仝小林教授从脾论治郁火




郁火证是因阳气被遏而导致的一种热性病证.该证的病位在脾,主要病机为脾胃气机升降失调,阳气壅滞于脾土无力升发,郁久而发热.郁火主要乘袭人体之眼、耳、口、鼻、咽喉等官窍及肌表皮肤,出现肤灼窍热之症.郁火证可见于多种疾病,西医治疗为对症治疗,相对局限,而中医药治疗具有辨证治疗、异病同治的优势.仝小林教授秉承李东垣"脾胃内伤学说",认为郁火证与中焦有密切的联系,主张从脾论治该病,以升阳散火、甘温除热及益气升阳、清热化湿为治疗法则,宣发阳气而散郁火,以保证中焦气机升降正常为要,为临床治疗郁火证提供了具体的思路.%Depressed fireis a syndrome caused by stagnation of yang. The main pathogenesis of the syndrome is the abnormalqi movement of spleen, which results to stagnation of yang in the middle energizer, andyang stagnation leads to heat. Depressed fire mainly strikes the eyes, ears, mouth, nose, throat and skin, and it can be seen in many diseases. Western medicine is relatively limited to treat this syndrome while Chinese medicine treatment has obvious advantages because of syndrome differentiation and its treating different diseases with same treatment. Professor TONG focuses on the spleen to treat this syndrome based on LI Dongyuan's theory of internal damage in spleen and stomach. He holds the view that depressed fire syndrome is strongly associated with the middle energizer. His therapeutic principles are upbearing yang and dissipating fire, relieving fever with sweet and warm-natured drugs, and boostingqi and raising yang, clearing heat and transforming dampness which are able to disperse inner fire and protect qi movement in the spleen. The therapeutic principles are aimed to provide specific clinical approach.



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