首页> 中文期刊> 《安徽史学》 >黄叔璥《海洋图》与清代大兴黄氏家族婚宦研究




The article was researched on Ocean Map drawn by the Huang shu-jing,the first censor of Taiwan in the Qing Dynasty collected in the Palace Museum of Taibei ,and studied on Huang shu -jing' s dates of birth and death as well as the development and marriage circle of his family ,Huangs in Daxing county of Shuntian Fu .The research found that his family used to be hereditary military officers of Liaodong in the Ming Dynasty ,and began to get promoted through imperial examinations , one of the most key factors to which was the attention paid to cultural elites of Liaodong in the early Qing Dynasty .Their main marriage objects was imperial examinee families ,among which ,more were townships from Zhili province ,which reflected some characteristics and orientation of the marriage and promotion of the imperial examinee families of North China in the Qing Dy -nasty.%文章对台北故宫博物院所藏清代首任巡台御史黄叔璥所绘《海洋图》的图文进行了考证与研究,对黄叔璥生卒年与其家族——顺天大兴黄氏的发展轨迹及其婚姻圈等问题进行了考察和探讨.研究发现,黄氏家族本为明代辽东世袭武官,在明代后期之后逐渐走上科举入仕之途,而清初对辽东士子的倚重亦为其家族兴盛的重要因素.其婚姻对象以科举世家为主,其中以直隶同乡为多,体现出了清代华北科举世家婚姻的一些特点与取向.



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