首页> 中文期刊>贵州农业科学 >平坝县稻茬免耕直播油菜田杂草的发生与防除




The occurrence species and control efficiency of main weeds in no-tillage direct seeding rape fields with rice stubbles were investigated and tested by the inversion"W"nine sampling method to know weeds occurrence in no-tillage direct seeding rape fields with rice stubbles in Pingba County.The results showed that there were 16 species,10 families in no-tillage direct seeding rape fields with rice stubbles and the important value of Polypogon fugax,Alopecurus aequalis,Poa annua,Lapsana apogonoides,Gnaphalium a f fine,Galium aparine,Stellaria media Alsine media,Arenaria serpylli folia.and Oenanthejavanina was 32.24,17.77,13.83,9.99,8.70,4.50,3.61,3.35 and 2.48 respectively,which indicates that these weeds are dominant species.The control efficiency of weed plants and weed fresh weight of Gramineae weeds,broad leaf weeds and weed population were 89.90%,88.37%,89.99% and 88.44%,87.36%,94.04% respectively 60d after spraying 50% benazolin suspension (50mL/667m2)+10.8% haloxfop-R-methyl EC (30mL/667m2) during rape growth period based on the soil of demonstration plots treated with 50% acetochlor EC (100mL/667m2) + 200g/L paraquat solution (150mL/667m2).%为弄清平坝县稻茬免耕直播油菜区田间杂草的发生情况,采用倒置“W”9点取样法,对其稻茬免耕直播油菜区主要杂草的发生种类进行了调查并进行了防除试验.结果表明:平坝县十字乡稻茬免耕直播油菜田主要杂草发生种类有10科16种,棒头草、看麦娘、早熟禾、稻搓草、鼠麯草、猪殃殃、繁缕、蚤缀和水芹菜等杂草重要值分别为32.24、17.77、13.83、9.99、8.70、4.50、3.61、3.35、2.48,为该区域的优势种杂草.油菜播种前,用50%乙草胺乳油100mL/667m2加200g/L百草枯水剂150mL/667m2对土壤进行封杀处理;油菜生长期(阔叶类杂草4~5叶期,禾本科杂草3~4叶期),用50%草除灵悬浮50mL/667m2加10.8%高效氟吡甲禾灵乳油30mL/667m2进行茎叶防除,药后60d对禾本科杂草、阔叶杂草和杂草群体的株防效、鲜重防效分别为89.90%、88.37%、89.99%和88.44%、87.36%、94.04%.



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