首页> 中文期刊>全球教育展望 >我国教师的教育观能适应教育变革的需要吗——基于课堂录像的问卷和访谈法的研究




The paper aims at revealing teachers' educational views underlying their assessment of typical classroom video clips.Using video-based questionnaire and structured interview,the research shows that the teachers in our country highly approve the ideas advocated widely in contemporary educational reform including stressing the importance of the development of students' thinking and problem solving abilities,student participation,interest and motivation in learning.The surveyed teachers in different regions show no significant difference in their assessment in both the traditional lessons and the newly constructed lessons but the teachers from different subjects(language/social studies VS.mathematics) show rather significant difference.The educational views the teachers hold do not completely agree to what they concern in their practice.The educational assessment system and the limitations such as that in terms of time shape and constrain the teachers' innovational initiatives.%本文用基于录像的问卷调查和结构化访谈的方法,通过教师对于典型课堂片段的评价来揭示教师的教育观。研究表明,我国教师高度认可当代教育改革所倡导的关注学生的思考和问题解决能力的培养、注重学生参与和注重激发学生的兴趣和动机。在对于传统课和新构课的评价中,不同地区的教师之间的差异不明显,语文/社会和数学教师之间的差异相对较明显。教师所认可的教育观同其实践关注并不完全一致,对于现行评价和时间限制等方面的考量使得教师的革新实践探索受到限制。



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