首页> 中文期刊>文学理论前沿 >“事件化”思想方式:质疑历史的后现代性




在当代学术语境中,现代性问题业已成为一个令人关注的热点题域。然而,何为现代性?“现代”何以成为重要的哲学、美学问题?如何理解社会现代性与审美现代性之间的紧张冲突?是否有必要对现代性进行历史时代的划分?这种历史性、时代性或时间性的划分究竟意味着什么?如何理解现代性与后现代性之间的关系?这两者之间究竟是一种历史时间上的连续或断裂,还是一种思想范式的转换?所有的问题似乎都处于悬而未决的状态,更由于后现代性思想的兴起,使这一题域的诸多疑问变得越发纷纭复杂、诡异难辨。对现代性进行历史时间的考察,似乎已经成为一种毋庸置疑的研究进路。如今,作为一种断代标示的历史时间,“现代”已经构筑起坚固的历史学意识和历史学知识,并积淀为某种“历史学无意识”。然而,所有自明性的“历史学叙事”依然是个可疑之物。因此,我们有必要对长期以来的历史学用语及其历史学意识进行审慎的检讨,对“历史学叙事”所标榜的自明性进行前提性的反思批判。经由后现代主义对“历史时间”的解构与批判,以现代性历史时间概念去识别现代性与后现代性的方法已然失效。历史本身意味着什么?历史本身就是事件,历史总是事件的历史,事件构成历史本身。遗忘事件的历史,就难以理解现代性问题提出的真实历史语境,也就无法辨识现代性问题与历史之间的复杂关系。本文对上述理论问题均作了较为详细的阐述。%In the current academic context , modernity , as an issue-driv-en domain, has become a focus of attention .However, what is modernity?Why does “modern” turn out to be an important philosophical and aesthetic problem?How shall we understand the tension between social modernity and aesthetic modernity?Is it necessary to locate modernity on a historical coordi-nate?What does it mean by the historical , epochal or chronological locations?How shall we interpret the relationship between modernity and postmodernity?Is it a continuation or a fracture in the light of history and chronology?Is it a switch of thought paradigm?All these questions remain to be answered .The rising of postmodern thought perplexes the questions in this problem .Having a historical inspection on modernity seems to be an undeniable access to the research.Nowadays, “modern,” as a dividing mark in historical time , has constructed a solid sense of history and abundant knowledge of history , which precipitates into a sort of “historiographical unconsciousness .” However , all the self-evident “historiographical narrative” remains to be suspicious .In other words , there is a necessity to have a cautious criticism on historiogra-phical terminology and its historical sense , and to have a prerequisite critical introspection on the self-evidence of “historiographical narrative .” A decon-struction of and criticism on the “historical time” from the perspective of post-modernism demonstrates that it is invalid to distinguish modernity from post-modernity by the concept of modern historical time .What does history itself mean?History itself is made up of events .History is always the history of e-vents and events compose history itself .Forgetting the history of events makes it hard to understand the actual historical context of modernity problems and to recognize the complicated relation between modernity and history .The present essay intends to answer all the above questions .



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