首页> 中文期刊> 《林业科学研究》 >山西翅果油天然群体果实多样性研究




翅果油(Elaeagnus mollis Diels.)为胡颓子科胡颓子属,又名柴禾、毛折子、贼绿柴、仄棱蛋,是我国特有的木本油料树种.翅果油种子出油率为32.5%,其中,油酸40.36%,亚油酸50.38%[1-4];经初步测量,成年单株每年可产果40 kg;目前,测定的Ve含量高达15.581 mg·g-1,并且还富含其它活性物质,如Vc、甾醇等,具有较高的经济价值[5-6].翅果油根系发达,具固氮能力,在生长条件恶劣的黄土高原地区能够正常生长结实,耐旱、耐瘠薄能力较强,具有重要的生态价值[7-8].%The fruits and seeds from four Elaeagnus mollis natural populations were collected in Pinglu, Xipo, Yax-ia, and Ganquan as materials. The nested design was used to analyze the variation law and pattern of six phenotypic traits of E. Mollis fruits and seeds from four natural distributed provenances. It showed that extremely significant differences were found among provenances in fruits length, seeds length, fruits length/fruits width and seeds length/ seeds width. Difference in fruits width and seeds width were not remarkable among populations. The phenotypic dif-ferentiation coefficient of populations were 8.51% (fruits length) , 0% (fruits width) , 24.46% (seeds length) , 1.61% ( seeds width) , 16. 67% ( fruits length/fruits width) , and 29.41% ( seeds length/seeds width) , less than that among families in each trait. The traits of variation mainly come from the individuals.



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