首页> 中文期刊> 《民族艺术研究》 >20世纪80年代以来大陆学者有关台湾传统音乐文化研究述评




Throughout recent 30 years,mainland scholars who study Taiwan traditional music are mainly from colleges and universities in Fujian.Their study mainly involves issues about the historical origin,the devel-opment and comparative study of music culture in Fujian -Taiwan region.Studies focused on the origin and history of Taiwan opera in the historical context of Fujian -Taiwan cultural development have gained quite a lot academic achievements.In addition,with the flourishing cross -strait culture exchange in recent years and increasing scale and frequency of exchange in the musicology circle of two sides,a good number of ma-inland universities and institutions have made large -scale systematic researches towards Taiwan traditional music and set an academic and social foundation to comprehensive study of the cross -strait traditional music culture and for the future art exchange for both sides.Yet we should be aware that the mainland scholars'study about Taiwan traditional music is still in a sporadic and fragmentary state,for instance,studies from the Anthropological perspective towards ethnic music is still in absence.%综观三十多年以来的研究情况,大陆学者在台湾传统音乐研究方面主要还是以福建高校为主,主要涉及台湾传统音乐的历史源流问题,闽台区域音乐文化的发展变迁与横向比较研究,尤其是学者们将歌仔戏源流与历史构成的研究置于在闽台文化发展的历史语境中来审视与观照获得了很多重要的学术成果;其次,近几年来,随着两岸文化交流的日益繁盛,两岸音乐学界的交流规模与频次日益增多,尤其是以一大批高等院校与科研院所对台湾传统音乐的系统性、规模性研究方面做出了很多重要的学术贡献。这些良好的研究势头为未来两岸传统音乐文化的整体性研究奠定了良好的学术基础,同时也为未来两岸文化艺术交流的繁荣发展构建了良好的社会基础。而大陆学者的台湾传统音乐研究多呈现出零星的、碎片化的研究,而对台湾传统音乐的种类进行深入、细致的人类学视野的民族音乐学研究特性的学术成果还较欠缺。



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