首页> 中文期刊>环境保护科学 >城市生态文明建设评价指标体系构建




城市作为人类环境问题和危机产生的重要策源地,建立反映城市生态环境问题和生态文明建设状态的评价指标体系,依据评价结论,指导城市生态文明建设十分必要.文章在城市作为社会—经济—自然复合人工生态系统的理论基础上,分析了社会生态亚系统、经济生态亚系统及自然生态亚系统相互作用关系和城市生态系统主要生物成分组成、结构与功能关系,系统的构建了符合中国国情的城市生态文明评价指标体系.该体系以生态经济、生态环境质量、生态社会为评价要素,下设12个一级指标及42个二级指标,为评价中国城市生态文明建设水平提供科学依据.%Cities are regarded as the original places where problems and crisis of the human environment occur. It's necessary to establish an evaluation index system that can reflect the urban ecological and environmental problems and the state of ecological civilization construction, and direct the urban ecological civilization construction according to the appraisal conclusion. In this paper, on the theoretical basis of taking city as a man-made complex ecosystem consisting of nature sub-ecosystem, societysub-ecosystemand economysub-ecosystem, the relations of interaction among the 3 sub-systems and the dominating biological composition, structure and function relations of the urban ecosystem are analyzed. A complete evaluation index system for urban ecological civilization in line with China's situation is established. In the index system, ecological economy, eco-environmental quality and eco-society are taken as the evaluation factors with 12 primary indicators and 42 secondary indicators, providing scientific basis for evaluation of the construction levels of urban ecological civilization in China.



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