首页> 中文期刊> 《电子设计工程》 >Windows server 2003组策略运行机制分析研究

Windows server 2003组策略运行机制分析研究



针对现行网络教材在Windows Server2003组策略方面讲解的不足和组策略在企业网络应用的重要性,结合活动目录和DNS提供的服务,通过对组策略的体系结构、组策略对象的结构和属性、客户端和服务器端的运行过程,从概念、服务组件、组件间的相互作用等方面进行了详细的分析研究,给出了组策略从编辑、管理及实施应用的运行机制,有利于网络管理员在企业网络中正确应用及维护组策略,实现大批量管理计算机和用户。%According to the shortcomings of less teaching on the group policy in the Windows Server2003,which is used as network teaching material for college students and importance of the application in enterprise network,This paper,combining with the Active Directory and DNS services,the group policy architecture,the group policy object of the structure and properties,the client and the server operation process,make some detailed analysis from the concept,service components,and the interactions among components and also give the operation mechanism of the group policy on editing,management and implementation.It is useful for network administrator to apply and maintain group policy correctly,realizing management a lot of computers and users in the enterprise network.



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