首页> 中文期刊> 《敦煌研究》 >敦煌显密五方佛图像的转变与法身思想




敦煌佛教一直以汉传体系的佛教为主流,随着唐密的兴起,密教逐渐将一些显教的神祇及其功能移植到密教经典中,开始吸收或利用显教的图像内容和构图形式。密教中央法身大日如来化现四方佛的义理与华严毗卢遮那佛化现“十方三世诸如来”的法身思想有一致性,密教五方佛是以大乘经典和图像为基础组织起来的神祇系统,敦煌石窟为我们展示了这一图像发展、演化过程。说明显密结合、显体密用是敦煌密教发展的主流,而敦煌显密五方佛图像的转变就是显体密用的一个典型例证。%Buddhism with Han Chinese characteristics has always constituted the mainstream of Dunhuang Buddhism. With the rise of the Tang Tantra, a few gods of exoteric Buddhism, together with the content and compositions, were absorbed into esoteric Buddhism. The doctrine of the Esoteric Buddhism is that the Buddhas in the four directions are direct emanations from Mahavairocana at the center, consistent with the Huayan sect doctrine, which says that the Buddhas in the ten directions and of the three ages are direct emanations from Mahavairocana. The five-Buddha image in esoteric Buddhism is based on Mahayana scripture and images. Its development has been exhibited in the Dunhuang caves, and this demonstrates that the main trend of esoteric Buddhist art at Dunhuang was the combination of exoteric and esoteric Buddhism as well as the absorption of exoteric Buddhist elements into esoteric Buddhism, well exemplified by the evolution of the five-Buddha image in esoteric Buddhism with Han Chinese characteristics.



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