首页> 中文期刊> 《敦煌研究》 >甘肃秦安“诸邑子石铭”考析--甘肃馆藏佛教造像研究之三




A stele newly found in Qin’an, Gansu Province, which is named “Zhuyizi shiming,” was presum-ably made in the Northern Zhou dynasty between the Baoding era and the third year of the Jiande era (561—574) . As it was constructed by various members of the community working in unison, research of this site pro-vides valuable information about the organization of the community. The recording of different surnames, in-cluding Quan, Lü and Wu, reflect that various peoples lived together in the villages of the Northern Zhou. A word from the stele’s inscription, “head of the community,” has given new direction for studying Buddhist communities-this paper attempts to correlate inscriptions from relevant Buddhist steles with this new term.%秦安新发现一通“诸邑子石铭”,通过与秦州地区有纪年造像碑的比较,判定其应开凿于北周保定至建德三年间(561—574)。该碑为邑社造像碑,反映了这一地区的邑社组织情况,权、吕、仵等姓氏反映出北周时期该地区多民族杂居的特点,“邑头”一词为佛社研究提供了新材料。同时对相关造像碑的碑文也重新进行了校对。



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