首页> 中文期刊>设计 >中国园林中的“景”--论中国园林中的中国传统自然观及其对城市空间规划的启示




The art of classical Chinese gardens contains the Chinese traditional view of nature including natural ecology view, natural function view and natural aesthetic view, constructing the soul of scenery in classical Chinese gardens. It guides the expression of classical Chinese gardens in physical forms. The natural ecology view with nature and man in one and conforming to nature, the natural function view with supreme harmony and the natural aesthetic view with false or true complement give strong inspiration to city space planning. It becomes more and more important to discuss harmonious coexistence between man and nature and the ways of city construction embodying Ecological civilization values under the historical background of rapid city disordering expand and more destruction of the ecological environment resulting from city construction. Centering on the Chinese traditional view of nature, this article discusses its inspiration of design on three space levels, i.e., city external geographic environment, inside the city function space, and urban internal building group space.%中国园林艺术蕴含着包括自然生态观、自然功能观和自然审美观在内的中国传统自然观,构成了中国园林之“景”的灵魂,指导着中国园林艺术的物质形态表达。而这种“天人合一、顺应自然”的自然生态观、“太和”的自然功能观和“虚实相生”的自然审美观对城市层面的空间规划亦具有很强的启示性——特别是在当今城市无序化扩张加快、城市建设对生态环境破坏加剧的时代背景下,探讨人与自然和谐相处、体现生态文明价值观的城市建设途径变得愈发重要。本文便围绕中国园林中的自然观,探讨其对于城市外部地理环境、城市内部功能空间及城市内部建筑组群空间三个空间层面的设计启示。



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