首页> 中文期刊> 《课程.教材.教法》 >义务教育阶段中、外籍英语教师动机策略对比研究




Motivation is an essential affective factor influencing the outcome of foreign language learnmg. Due to the important role English teachers play in motivating their students, in recent years much research has been done on teachers' motivational strategies. This study is a contrastive analysis of motivational strategies used by Chinese English teachers and foreign English teachers in the context of China's compulsory education. The results indicate 8 common macro-strategies used by both, including teachers' behavior, classroom atmosphere and teacher-student relationship, etc. The differences are that Chinese teachers pre{er strategies like setting a good example, giving clear instructions and rewards besides grades while foreign teachers tend to adopt games and humor, develop imagination and creativity and instill cultural background information to motivate their students.%动机是影响学习者外语学习效果的重要情感因素之一。英语教师在激发和保持学习者动机方面发挥着重要作用。教师的动机策略问题成为了二语习得社会心理研究者关注的焦点。通过问卷和访谈的方法,以131名在小学和初中任教的中、外籍英语教师为样本,对比分析他们在动机策略的认识程度和使用频率方面的异同,发现中、外籍英语教师都重视并频繁使用的8项宏观动机策略,包括教师行为、课堂氛围和师生关系等;二者的差异主要表现在:中教更为侧重为人师表、明确任务和给予奖励等宏观策略,外教则更倾向于通过游戏、幽默、培养想象力与创造力和文化背景渗透等方式来激发动机。



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