首页> 中文期刊>中国生态农业学报 >中国橡胶种植生命周期评价研究




Using China's natural rubber plantation as a case study, this paper classified natural rubber plantation life cycle into four stages-raw material, agrochemical production, natural rubber cultivation and transportation stages. The life-cycle assessment (LCA) method was used to evaluate potential environmental impacts of tapping 1.00 kg dry rubber under identified potential impacts, including global warming potential (GWP), acidification potential (AP), eutrophication potential (EP), photochemical ozone creation potential (POCP), human toxicity potential (HTP) and abiotic depletion potential (ADP). This inventory analysis showed that the order of potential impacts of China's natural rubber plantation was as follows: AP > EP > GWP > HTP > POCP > ADP. The respective impact indices were 1 .76× 10-12, 4.31×10-13, 1.37×10-13, 1.96×10-15, 9.69×10-18 and 4.88×10-19, with an average impact index of 4.32× l0-13. Reduced chemical fertilizer utilization and enhanced fertilization efficiency were critical for mitigating the impact of rubber plantation on the environment. This could be achieved via effective reduced energy consumption, fertilizer production emissions, and soil fertilizer loss.%应用生命周期评价方法,以我国橡胶种植为例,把橡胶种植生命周期划分为原料、农资化、橡胶种植、运输等4个阶段,考虑了全球变暖(GWP)、环境酸化(AP)、水体富营养化(EP)、光化学烟雾形成(POCP)、人体健康损害(HTP)、不可更新资源消耗(ADP)等 6类潜在影响,对得到1 kg橡胶(以干胶计)的潜在环境影响进行了分析评价.结果表明,我国橡胶种植的各类影响排序为AP>EP>GWP>HTP>POCP>ADP,其影响指数分别为1.76E-12、4.31E-13、1.37E-13、1.96E-15、9.69E-18、4.88E-19,单一环境影响指数为4.32E-13.减少化肥施用量、提高施肥有效率是控制整个橡胶种植潜在影响大小的关键,其在有效降低上游直接生产能耗及其相应排放和下游损失量的基础上,可有效降低我国橡胶种植的潜在环境影响.



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