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Factors Influencing Purchase Intention of Thai Consumers Towards Luxury Fashion Brands





1.1 Research Background

1.2 Statement of the problems

1.3 Theoretical Foundation

1.4 Aims and significance


2.1 Introduction

2.2 Definition and previous literature on luxury goods consumption

2.3 Cultural orientation and motivations of luxury goods consumption

2.4 Luxury brand perception

2.5 Traits of vanity

2.6 Social influence

2.7 Theory of Reasoned Action

2.8 The conceptual framework and hypotheses development

2.9 Research Questions and hypotheses of the study

2.10 Conclusion


3.1 Introduction

3.2 Research Design

3.3 Data collection method

3.4 Sampling strategy

3.5 Questionnaire design

3.6 The validity and reliability of the research tool


4.1 Descriptive statistics of the respondents’ demographic profiles

4.2 Descriptive statistics of the respondents’ motivational factors of purchase intention towards luxury fashion brands

4.3 Hypotheses testing

4.4 Summary of research findings from Regression analysis


5.1 Discussion

5.2 Theoretical Contributions

5.3 Managerial implications

5.4 Limitations

5.5 Recommendations for future research






There are three main elements of factors that are studied in this research. The first element is luxury brand perception,which consists of three dimensions including functional value perception,experiential value perception,and symbolic value perception. The second element is traits of vanity,which can be categorized into physical vanity and achievement vanity. The last element is social influence. Therefore,all of these elements are divided into six individual variables including functional value perception,experiential value perception,symbolic value perception,physical vanity,achievement vanity,and social influence.
  Two research questions are set in order to clarify the perception and insight of Thai consumers. The questions are as follows:
  Research Question 1: Based on the six relevant motivations from the research conceptual framework,which factors are the main motivations that are perceived by Thai consumers as main motivational factors towards purchase intention of luxury fashion brands?
  Research Question 2: How do these factors,luxury brand perception,social influence,and trait of vanity,affect Thai consumer’s purchase intention towards luxury fashion brands?
  From the research questions 2,the hypotheses are constructed for testing the relationship between motivational factors and purchase intention in order to find weather there are associations between them or not? If yes,the directions go to the positive or negative side? Accordingly,all the motivational factors are teased as antecedents,and purchase intention is teased asdependent variable. The conceptual model is constructed based on Theory of Reasoned Action (Martin Fishbein and Icek Ajzen,1975) as this theory rationally describes the relationship between attitude and behavior by using the factors of belief attitude,behavioral intention,and expected behavior. However,the actual research framework is adapted only the relationship of attitude; luxury brand perception,and traits of vanity,and subjective norms;social influence,to behavioral intention. The explanations for the roles of allvariables are as follows:
  Attitudes towards behavior:luxury brand perception
  The first function,luxury brand perception,appears to most logically fall within the domain of attitudes towards luxury fashion brands consumptionbehavior since the general importance of the luxury brand perception has been highlighted as the significant component,which notably involves to decision of doing or non-doing a certain behavior. All three main perceptions of values,which are analyzed in this research,and additional explanation of all three values are as follows:
  The first factor is functional value perception,which is associated with the view of consumers on luxury goods that the goods can load utility to customers in terms of quality and capability of the products,which are superior to conventional products.
  The second factor is an experiential value perception. This determinant is the value that explains the perspective of the customers’ emotions and feelings when experience in using or consuming the brand name goods without any concernments of the characteristic of products’ quality.
  The final factor is the symbolic value perception,which is a view that customers see the luxury brand name products as a symbol,which can indicatethe social status of users.
  Attitudes towards behavior:traits of vanity
  The second factor relates to the consumption of luxury goods are the traits of vanity. The word “vanity” refers to the character of the person whois arrogant and self-importance of himself/herself because it is linked to one’s thought of oneself that have something better than others,which are appearance,look,shape or occupation. Moreover,traits of vanity can be described as a sense of pride in the appearance or achievement of their own. Traits of vanity can be divided into two types:physical vanity and achievement vanity.
  Physical vanity or appearance vanity,from the understanding of researcher,is known as a person with a sense of passion in the identity and look of its own. And it is believed that luxury goods can help them promote the physical characteristics of their own.
  Achievement vanity is an interest or passion for success and pride in the work due to high position in the society or workplace. People,who are in the group of achievement obsessions,have the belief that luxurybrand name products are expensive ornaments that can indicate accomplishment on their jobs and can make them get respect.
  Subjective norm:social influence
  The final factor is social influence. According to past studies and researches,it is found that social influence can come from those around the person or possibly from a celebrity or influencer with a person’s ideal identity,which has been appreciated by most people in the society. With such of these factors,it might be the main reason why customers who highly concern on social value buy the luxury goods,especially,the customers in Thailand. Thai culture is a distinctive culture,which can be called as collectivism on which Thai people are more likely to hang out as a group and whatever theydo they require to be accepted by society.



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