首页> 中文学位 >The relationship between environmental air pollution and urbanization development of typical cities in Russian Federation and People’s Republic of China

The relationship between environmental air pollution and urbanization development of typical cities in Russian Federation and People’s Republic of China







Chapter 1 Features of urbanization development in Russia and China.Analysis of changes in the air environment of urban areas

1.1 Urbanization as a current phenomenon influencing the balanced development of urban and rural areas

1.2 Retrospective analysis of urbanization processes in Russian Federation and in the world

1.3 General characteristics of urbanization factors influence on ecological safety of territories and population

1.4 The causes of atmospheric air quality deterioration.Analysis of changes in physic-chemical composition of the air as a possible consequence of urbanization.Evaluation of emission results’ effects on environmental safety of population in urban areas

1.5 Trends and prospects of urbanization development at the current rate of cities role increase on the example of Russian Federation

Chapter 2 The research of urbanization factors that have a significant impact on the quality of atmospheric air in cities of People’s Republic of China and Russian Federation

2.1 Obtaining data for the research

2.2 The allocation of model city pairs(China-Russia)for carrying out the research about the urbanization impact on air quality in urban areas

2.3 Identifying of relevant factors in the urbanization processes development on the example of People’s Republic of China and Russian Federation

2.4 Descriptive characteristics of the main emission sources.List of the main pollutants

2.5 Quantitative assessment of the impact of environmental indicators within the studied cities(Russia-China)

Chapter 3 Identifying of dependencies/relations between the deterioration of atmospheric air quality and development of urbanization processes.Discussions and conclusions

3.1 Justification of correlation analysis trial use to establish relationships between air pollution in cities and processes of urbanization

3.2 Identifying of dependencies between the deterioration of air quality and processes of urbanization in the investigated pairs of cities(China-Russia)

3.3 Summarizing the correlation analysis trial in sense of relations between deterioration of atmospheric air quality and development of urbanization processes

3.4 Conclusions about expense on lives and health of the population living in cities of Peoples’ Republic of China and Russian Federation.Complex characteristics of the research results









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