
Social Software for Coalition Formation


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This paper concerns an interdisciplinary approach to coalition formation. We apply the MacBeth software, relational algebra, the RelView tool, graph theory, bargaining theory, social choice theory, and consensus reaching to a model of coalition formation. A feasible government is a pair consisting of a coalition of parties and a policy supported by this coalition. A feasible government is stable if it is not dominated by any other feasible government. Each party evaluates each government with respect to certain criteria. MacBeth helps to quantify the importance of the criteria and the attractiveness and repulsiveness of governments to parties with respect to the given criteria. Feasibility, dominance, and stability are formulated in relation-algebraic terms. The RelView tool is used to compute the dominance relation and the set of all stable governments. In case there is no stable government, i.e., in case the dominance relation is cyclic, we apply graph-theoretical techniques for breaking the cycles. If the solution is not unique, we select the final government by applying bargaining or appropriate social choice rules. We describe how a coalition may form a government by reaching consensus about a policy.
机译:本文涉及建立联盟的跨学科方法。我们将MacBeth软件,关系代数,RelView工具,图论,讨价还价论,社会选择论和共识达成模型应用到联盟形成模型中。一个可行的政府是由政党联盟和该联盟支持的政策组成的一对。如果一个可行的政府不受任何其他可行政府的支配,则它是稳定的。各方根据特定标准评估每个政府。 MacBeth有助于量化标准的重要性以及政府对于给定标准对各方的吸引力和排斥力。可行性,支配性和稳定性以关系代数术语表述。 RelView工具用于计算主导关系和所有稳定政府的集合。在没有稳定政府的情况下,即在优势关系是周期性的情况下,我们应用图论技术打破循环。如果解决方案不是唯一的,我们将通过讨价还价或适当的社会选择规则来选择最终政府。我们描述联盟如何就政策达成共识来组建政府。



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