
Area Source Inventory Methods and Their Effect on Results


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Area source estimation methods commonly use one of the following approaches: national average emission factors applied to activity data surrogates such as employment or population; readily available emission factors applied to direct activity such as material or fuel used; or locale-specific emission factors developed using survey data. Each of these methods has inherent advantages and disadvantages. Available methods need to be flexible to accommodate local differences in regulations, climate, or seasonal variations in the inventory area. Inventory planners must choose methods based on issues such as cost and resources available to develop the inventory, required accuracy of the estimates, and consistency of results from year to year and from one inventory area to another. This paper describes and compares typical area source methods. Examples of how particular methods are best suited to some area source categories, but not to others, are given. With an understanding of what advantages a particular method brings to an emission estimate, and to what extent a less preferable method may affect inventory results, inventory planners can make more informed choices about alternative methods for their area source inventory and make the best use of their available inventory resources.



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