首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of the EuroSys 2011 conference. >Efficient Middleware for Byzantine Fault Tolerant Database Replication

Efficient Middleware for Byzantine Fault Tolerant Database Replication


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Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT) enhances the reliability and availability of replicated systems subject, to software bugs, malicious attacks, or other unexpected events. This paper presents Byzantium, a BFT database replication middleware that provides snapshot isolation semantics. It is the first BFT database system that allows for concurrent transaction execution without relying on a centralized component, which is essential for having both performance and robustness. Byzantium builds on an existing BFT library but extends it with a set of techniques for increasing concurrency in the execution of operations, for optimistically executing operations in a single replica, and for striping and load-balancing read operations across replicas. Experimental results show that our replication protocols introduce only a modest performance overhead for read-write dominated workloads and perform better than a non-replicated database system for read-only workloads.
机译:拜占庭式容错(BFT)增强了受软件错误,恶意攻击或其他意外事件影响的复制系统的可靠性和可用性。本文介绍了Byzantium,它是一种提供快照隔离语义的BFT数据库复制中间件。这是第一个允许并发事务执行而无需依赖集中式组件的BFT数据库系统,这对于同时具有性能和鲁棒性至关重要。 Byzantium建立在现有的BFT库的基础上,但通过一系列技术对其进行了扩展,以增加操作执行的并发性,在单个副本中优化执行操作以及在副本之间进行条带化和负载平衡读取操作。实验结果表明,对于只读控制的工作负载,我们的复制协议仅引入了适度的性能开销,并且比非复制数据库系统具有更好的性能。



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