
Inverse giant magnetoresistance in Fe/Cu/Co/Cu multilayers

机译:Fe / Cu / Co / Cu多层膜中的逆巨磁电阻

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We report on ab initio calculations of giant magnetoresistance in Fe/Cu/Co/Cu multilayers. The system is of special interest because its giant magnetoresistance switches from positive to negative values depending on the Fe layer thickness for current perpendicular-to-plane geometry. the electronic structure of systems under consideration is calculated within the frame of density functional theory using local spin density approximation. We assume scattering at impurities in the ferromagnetic layers, especially V impurities in the Fe layers and Cu impurities in Co layers or magnetic Co impurities in Cu layers. The scattering of the electorns by impurities is described self-consistently by means of the Green function of the perturbed system. As a result, the spin anisotropy of the scattering can be discussed free of any parameters. Transport is described quasi-classically. The Boltzmann equation is solved in relaxation time approximation taking into account the anisotropy of the Fermi surface of the layered system and the spin anisotropy of scattering.
机译:我们报告了从头算计算Fe / Cu / Co / Cu多层膜中巨磁电阻的过程。该系统特别受关注,因为其大的磁阻取决于电流垂直平面几何形状的Fe层厚度,从正值切换为负值。使用局部自旋密度近似,在密度泛函理论的框架内计算所考虑系统的电子结构。我们假设在铁磁层中的杂质处有散射,特别是在Fe层中的V杂质和Co层中的Cu杂质或Cu层中的磁性Co杂质处的散射。利用扰动系统的格林函数自洽地描述了杂质对电子的散射。结果,可以在没有任何参数的情况下讨论散射的自旋各向异性。运输是准经典的。考虑到分层系统费米表面的各向异性和散射的自旋各向异性,可以在弛豫时间近似中求解玻尔兹曼方程。



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