
V2X Communications for the Support of GLOSA and Intelligent Intersection Applications




The rapid development of 5G provides opportunities for growth for a great variety of services, also including cooperative Intelligent Transport Services (C-ITS). In this framework, of high importance are Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) applications that can contribute towards improving driving safety, efficiency and comfort, together with the inclusion of automation processes. Based on the broader context for promoting innovative features and by assessing various opportunities appearing for the benefit of the market sector, our work specifically focuses on the scope of the 5G-DRIVE project, supporting cellular V2X trials between the EU and China. In particular, we explain the benefits for the two selected cases of use about Green Light Optimised Speed Advisory and Intelligent Intersection. Both can be examined in ajoint form of architectural implementation, as in our approach. These use cases support the realization of an enhanced traffic management in urban areas, contribute to road safety and reduce fuel consumption.


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