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Greek Mythological Elements in Yeats' Poems: Take a Woman Homer Sung and among School Children as an Example




The ancient Greek culture can be a chief origin of the European culture. Yeats showed a strong interest in the myth, especially the tragedies of Ancient Greece. He derived a lot from them to compose symbols and images in literary creation. This paper aims at a research in Yeats' application of the Greek elements in his poems by interpreting A Woman Homer Sung and Among School Children, to give a better understanding of Yeats' philosophy of arts.
机译:古希腊文化可以是欧洲文化的主要始势。 Yeats对神话的浓厚兴趣,特别是古希腊的悲剧。 他从他们中派生了很多,以撰写文学创作中的符号和图像。 本文旨在通过解释女性荷马和学校的儿童在他的诗歌中的诗歌中应用希腊元素的研究,以更好地了解Yeats的艺术哲学。



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