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Expanding a Municipal Bike Share System into an Urban National Park through Community Partnerships: The City of San Antonio and San Antonio Missions National Historical Park




San Antonio Missions National Historical Park is located in the urban outskirts of downtown San Antonio, Texas. Since establishment as a National Park Service (NPS) site, visitors have primarily arrived to the park by personal vehicle. Reducing motorized vehicles near the historic missions and promoting alternative transportation options for visitors will improve resource protection and enhance the overall visitor experience. The first bike sharing system in Texas, San Antonio B-Cycle, launched in 2011 in downtown San Antonio. Shortly after, partners in the City of San Antonio?s Office of Sustainability, San Antonio Bike Share, and the NPS?s Rivers, Trails, & Conservation Assistance program proposed a linear expansion of the bike share system from downtown, south along the San Antonio River and a newly built recreation trail, to connect to the park. A successful project proposal was developed for a Federal Transit Administration grant, and in 2012 the City was awarded $324,000, with an additional $295,774 the following year. This case study documents the process for expanding the San Antonio urban municipal bike share system in a non-traditional linear way, within a National Park, by leveraging community partnerships. The study presents contextual information on the local setting and its transportation challenges, identifies relevant strategic initiatives prompting citywide improvements, summarizes the bike sharing concept, and details project development steps. The study concludes with usage data analysis indicating project success and distills project challenges and key findings in order to serve as a useful tool for other bike share implementation or expansion efforts.
机译:圣安东尼奥特派团国家历史公园位于德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥市中心的城市郊区。自成立以来是国家公园服务(NPS)网站,游客主要通过个人车辆到达公园。减少历史性任务附近的机动车辆,促进游客的替代交通选择将提高资源保护,并提高访客经验。德克萨斯州的第一个自行车共享系统,San Antonio B周期,于2011年在圣安东尼奥市中心推出。不久之后,在圣安东尼奥(San Antonio)市的合作伙伴,San Antonio Bike份额和NPS?S河流,小径和保护援助计划提出了来自市中心的自行车份额系统的线性扩张安东尼奥河和一个新建的娱乐赛,连接到公园。成功的项目提案是为联邦途管理局制定的,2012年,该市被授予324,000美元,较持续持续295,774美元。本案研究文件,通过利用社区伙伴关系,在国家公园内以非传统的线性方式扩展圣安东尼省城市市政自行车股份系统的过程。该研究提出了关于本地环境的上下文信息及其运输挑战,确定了促使全市改进的相关战略举措,总结了自行车分享概念,并详细资料项目开发步骤。该研究结论,使用数据分析表明项目成功和蒸馏项目挑战和主要结果,以作为其他自行车股份实施或扩张努力的有用工具。



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