
Quantification of Elegant Motions for Receptionist Android Robot




To improve the general image of robots, in this study we describe a method of achieving "elegant motions based on women's sense" in an android robot. There have been many books published in Japan containing advice for women on how to have elegant manners. Our approach was to quantify the elegant motions that are qualitatively expressed in these etiquette books, using an android robot. In this research, we focused on arm- and face-based motions, such as giving directions, with an emphasis on "reception" tasks. We programmed the robot to perform desirable motions, such as "show the palm to a guest and do not raise the hand higher than the shoulder," which are commonly expressed in the manners books. For each implemented motions, many patterns could be generated by changing certain parameters, such as the movement speed, the angle of the arm and the hand, and the distance and angle to the indicated location. We verified these motions using a subjective evaluation and discussed the elegant and quantified motions based on the result.



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