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Computational modeling to predict pilot's expectation of the aircraft state given vestibular and visual cues




Loss of Control (LOC) accidents are a major threat for aviation, and contribute the highest risk for fatalities in all aviation accidents. The major contributor to LOC accidents is pilot spatial disorientation (SD), which accounts for roughly 32% of all LOC accidents. A pilot experiences SD during flight when he/she fails to sense correctly the motion, and/or attitude of the aircraft. In essence, the pilot's expectation of the aircraft's state deviates from reality. This deviation results from a number of underlying mechanisms of SD, such as distraction, failure to monitor flight instruments, and vestibular illusions. Previous researchers have developed computational models to understand those mechanisms. However, the models are limited in scope, as they do not model pilot expertise and have a small span of flight regimes to test with. This research proposes a new pilot model to predict the best-possible-pilot-expectation of the aircraft state given vestibular and visual cues. The proposed pilot model is in the form of a model-based observer (MBO), which provides the infrastructure needed to establish an expert pilot model. Experts are known to form an internal model of the operated system due to training/experience, which allows the expert to generate internal expectations of the system states. Pilot's internal expectations are enhanced by the presence of information fed through the pilot's sensory systems. The proposed pilot model integrates a continuous vestibular sensory model and a discrete visual-sampling sensory model to take account for the influence of the pilot's sensory system on his/her expectation of the aircraft state. The computational model serves to investigate the underlying mechanisms of SD during flight and provide a quantitative analysis tool to support flight deck and countermeasure designs.
机译:控制丧失(LOC)事故是航空的主要威胁,并为所有航空事故中的死亡人数造成最高风险。 LOC事故的主要贡献者是导频空间迷失化(SD),其占所有LOC事故的32%。当他/她未能正确的运动和/或飞机的态度时,飞行员在飞行期间体验SD。实质上,飞行员对飞机国家的期望偏离了现实。这种偏差由SD的许多潜在机制产生,例如分散注意力,未能监控飞行仪器和前庭幻想。以前的研究人员已经开发了计算模型来理解这些机制。然而,该模型的范围有限,因为它们不会模拟飞行员专业知识,并且具有小跨度的飞行制度来测试。本研究提出了一种新的试点模型,以预测前庭和视觉提示的飞机状态的最佳导频期望。所提出的试验模型是基于模型的观察者(MBO)的形式,它提供建立专家试点模型所需的基础设施。已知专家因培训/经验而形成操作系统的内部模型,这使得专家能够产生对系统状态的内部期望。通过飞行员感官系统的信息存在,飞行员的内部期望得到了增强。所提出的试点模型集成了连续的前庭感官模型和离散的视觉采样感官模型,以考虑飞行员的感官系统对他/她预期飞机状态的影响。计算模型用于研究飞行期间SD的基础机制,并提供了支持飞行甲板和对策设计的定量分析工具。



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