
Stabile usage of export regulatory standards in data security process




The amount of data that contemporary companies generate is rapidly increasing. Due to data explosion, security and privacy are becoming crucial concerns for companies. Therefore, companies must ensure security to remain a priority, and set the rules that will keep company at a desired security level. In addition to their internal security rules, a company may need to comply with one or more standard defined by external parties. Weak implementation of strict standards may lead to procedural gaps where the critical point is delivering the data to customers. In this paper, we define terms and concepts behind the security standards that are related to encryption algorithms and describe the correlation between security and regulatory standards while exporting sensitive data to customers. In addition, we provide a case study to demonstrate how weak implementation of export regulatory standards can lead to human errors, where lack of security competence can trigger high level damage after commercial product roll up. Finally, we show how minor modification in the implementation of standards can mitigate the security breach.



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