
Malignant Transformation of Bronchial Epithelial Cells Induced by Refractory Ceramic Fibers




Introduction: Man-made mineral fibers(MMMFs) are non-crystalline, fibrous inorganic substances (silicates) made primarily from rock, slag, glass or other processed minerals. These materials include glass fibers, rock wool and refractory ceramic fibers, et al. They are widely used for thermal and acoustical insulation and to a lesser extent for other purposes. These products are potentially hazardous to human health because they release airborne respirable fibers during their production, use and removal. The study aims to determine the activity of malignant transformation of Bronchial Epithelial Cell line Induced by asbestos and refractory ceramic fibers. Methods: BEAS-2B cells were treated 6 times with an interval of 10 days with asbestos, and refractory ceramic fibers respectively. The cell features of malignant transformation were identified by colony forming frequency in soft agar. Results: Cells treated 6 times with asbestos and refractory ceramic fibers proliferated rapidly and exhibited in extensive random orientation and crossover growth. Compared with the negative control cells, the efficiency of colony formation for transformed cells in semi-solid agar increased significantly. Conclusion: Refractory ceramic fibers and chrysotile could induce malignant transformation of BEAS-2B cells.



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