首页> 外文会议>Information Reuse and Integration, 2007 IEEE International Conference on >A Machine Learning Feature Reduction Technique for Feature Based Knowledge Systems

A Machine Learning Feature Reduction Technique for Feature Based Knowledge Systems


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Generalization error model provides a theoretical support for a pattern classifier''s performance in terms of prediction accuracy. However, existing models give very loose error bounds. This explains why classification systems generally rely on experimental validation for their claims on prediction accuracy. In this talk we will revisit this problem and explore the idea of developing a new generalization error model based on the assumption that only prediction accuracy on unseen points in a neighbourhood of a training point will be considered, since it will be unreasonable to require a pattern classifier to accurately predict unseen points "far away" from training samples. The new error model makes use of the concept of sensitivity measure for a multiplayer feedforward neural network (Multilayer Perceptron or Radial Basis Function Neural Network). It could be demonstrated that any knowledgebase system represented by a set of features may be simplified by reducing its feature set using such a model. A number of experimental results using datasets such as the UCI and the 99 KDD Cup will be presented.
机译:泛化误差模型在预测准确度方面为模式分类器的性能提供了理论支持。但是,现有模型给出了非常宽松的错误范围。这解释了为什么分类系统通常依赖于实验验证来确定其对预测准确性的要求。在本次演讲中,我们将重新审视这个问题,并基于仅考虑训练点附近看不见点的预测准确性的假设,探索一种开发新的泛化误差模型的想法,因为这将不合理地需要一种模式分类器可准确预测与训练样本“相距甚远”的看不见的点。新的误差模型利用了针对多人前馈神经网络(多层感知器或径向基函数神经网络)的灵敏度度量的概念。可以证明,通过使用这种模型减少其特征集,可以简化由一组特征表示的任何知识库系统。将会展示使用UCI和99 KDD Cup等数据集的许多实验结果。



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