
Plenoptic Rendering With Interactive Performance Using GPUs


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Processing and rendering of plenoptic camera data requires significant computational power and memory bandwidth. At the same time, real-time rendering performance is highly desirable so that users can interactively explore the infinite variety of images that can be rendered from a single plenoptic image. In this paper we describe a GPU-based approach for lightfield processing and rendering, with which we are able to achieve interactive performance for focused plenoptic rendering tasks such as refocusing and novel-view generation. We present a progression of rendering approaches for focused plenoptic camera data and analyze their performance on popular GPU-based systems. Our analyses are validated with experimental results on commercially available GPU hardware. Even for complicated rendering algorithms, we are able to render 39Mpixel plenoptic data to 2Mpixel images with frame rates in excess of 500 frames per second.



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