首页> 外文会议>IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Security and Defense Applications (CISDA 2009) >Detection u00026; study of DDoS attacks via entropy in data network models

Detection u00026; study of DDoS attacks via entropy in data network models

机译:检测 u00026;网络模型中的熵研究DDoS攻击



We detect u00026; study packet traffic anomalies similar to DDoS attacks using information entropy. We perform network-wide monitoring of information entropy of packet traffic at a small number of selected routers. Our method is based on the fact that DDoS attacks change the “natural” order and randomness of packet traffic passing through monitored routers when an attack is taking place in the network. Through this change we detect the start of the attack and study its evolution. We conduct this study for packet-switching networks using static and dynamic routing.



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