
Assessment of stress status in pillars based on laboratory trials


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Being in the possession of several salt deposits (Ocna Mures, Praid, Cacica, Tg. Ocna, Ocnele Mari, etc.), Romania can be considered from this point of view as a fortunate country. The extraction rhythm is constantly increasing with the output growing from 368.000 tones in 1938 to 3.000.000 to tones in 1970 and 5.000.000 tones in 1985. The first underground method of exploitations have employed conical and bell/shape rooms diameters of 60 m, and heights up to 100 m - Tg. Ocna, Slanic Prahova, Praid. Presently, since the extraction of salt is by dry-methods, two specific methods are generally in use: 1. Rectangular room - and - pillars method, with small room sizes. 2. Small rooms and square pillars method. The first one can be applied for depths up to 200 meters, the second method being used for depths reaching 1000 meters. The first method is presently in use, at the Praid saline only, the small rooms and square pillars technique being generalized at Ocna Dej, Slanic Prahova, Fetele Targului, Tg. Ocna, etc. The height of rooms is about 8 m, their width being of (14 - 16) m and the length of pillars ranging between 14m and 17 m. When several levels are already excavated (Slanic Prahova. Tg. Ocna, etc.) between the levels is left a 8 m thick floor. For example, at Fetele Targului, Tg. Ocna, the IXth excavation level corresponds to the depth of 250 m.
机译:罗马尼亚拥有数种盐矿(奥克纳穆雷斯(Ocna Mures),普拉伊德(Praid),卡西卡(Cacica),奥克纳(Tg。Ocna),奥克奈勒马里(Ocnele Mari)等),从这个角度来看,罗马尼亚可以被视为一个幸运的国家。开采节奏不断增加,产量从1938年的368.000吨增长到1970年的3.000.000吨和1985年的5.000.000吨。第一种地下开采方法采用了直径为60 m的圆锥形和钟形房间。高度可达100 m-Tg。 Ocna,Slanic Prahova,Praid。当前,由于盐的提取是通过干法进行的,因此通常使用两种特定的方法:1.矩形房间-和-支柱方法,具有较小的房间尺寸。 2.小​​房间和方柱法。第一种方法可用于最大200米的深度,第二种方法可用于达到1000米的深度。第一种方法目前仅在Praid盐水中使用,小房间和方柱技术在Tg的Ocna Dej,Slanic Prahova,Fetele Targului普遍采用。 Ocna等。房间的高度约为8 m,其宽度为(14-16)m,支柱的长度在14m至17 m之间。当已经开挖了几层时(Slanic Prahova。Tg。Ocna等),这些层之间留有8 m厚的地板。例如,在Tet的Fetele Targului。奥克纳(Ocna),第IX次开挖深度对应于250 m的深度。



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